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What Does “bikini body” actually mean?

What Does “bikini body” actually mean?
Palo Alto or San Jose plastic surgery model with tan hat

Summer is finally here & as we all slowly start to emerge from our quarantine cave’s we realize it’s time to dust of the swimsuits and shorts and get some much-needed Vitamin D! Because most of us have been stuck inside & likely more sedentary than normal, it’s likely (and understandable!) that we’ve gained a few pounds from all those #Quarantinis & loaves of banana bread.

I’m sure you’re probably seeing lots commercials for quick fix diets or exercise plans that promise you the “perfect bikini body” in a certain amount of time, but what does that even mean? My idea of a bikini body is likely very different to yours because we all have different body types! There is no such thing as “perfect” and the definition of a bikini body should be when you feel the most comfortable in YOUR body. 

Bio individuality means that we were all made differently, our body reacts to different food & exercise in different ways & finding what works for you is the most important thing. So instead of comparing yourself to whatever (highly edited) super model you are following on Instagram, listen to your body and figure out what is best for you. 

Below are 5 simple lifestyle tips to get you back to feeling your best and most confident self. These tips are universal and apply to everyone not matter what shape or size…and it’s not a “diet!)

Reduce or eliminate highly processed sugary foods. This is so important. These types of foods attack our gut microbiome which houses the majority of our immune system. Before you reach for that pastry at 4pm, ask yourself if there’s a healthier option that might curb hunger and also nourish your body. Fruit with nut butter, crudité with hummus or a clean protein shake are great alternatives. It’s all about replacing or crowding out the less healthy foods with some healthier options.


Drink warm water with lemon first thing in the morning. Our body becomes dehydrated when we sleep, and we need to replenish that hydration as soon as we possibly can. Drinking a large glass of warm water with lemon in the morning will not only rehydrate our body, but the lemon juice will help get rid of any toxins & aid digestion. 


Make half your plate salad/ vegetables. I say this often because it really easy the easiest way to get our nutrients in and crowd out any unhealthy foods. Even if you want to eat pizza, go for it but have a side of spinach or broccoli as well. You’ll likely end up eating less pizza naturally.The most important thing to remember when changing/breaking habits is to be consistent, don’t compare yourself to others and be patient. Quick fix remedies are going to give you a short-term result. We want to create healthy habits that are sustainable long term.


Move your body. It doesn’t mean you need to sweat your butt off for an hour every day. Even just going for a light walk will help get everything moving & get your endorphins going! Find something you enjoy doing and do it often!

model doing handstand

Spiritual practice. Meditation, yoga, and/or a daily gratitude practice can completely turn your mood around. Try to practice gratitude by thinking of 5 things you are grateful for every morning 

The most important thing to remember when changing/breaking habits is to be consistent, don’t compare yourself to others and be patient. Quick fix remedies are going to give you a short-term result. We want to create healthy habits that are sustainable long term.

illuminate wellness coach

Stay well,

Love Alex

At Illuminate we’re with you during every step of your journey toward greater self-confidence. Schedule a consultation with us today and let Illuminate’s expert team listen to your concerns and guide you through treatments and procedures to help you reach your individual goals. We look forward to seeing you and celebrating your renewed appearance and realized potential.

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